Aged Care Advice

Your Mum or Dad have had a fall. They are in hospital and you have been told that they can’t return to their home (where they have been living independently up until now).

It is an emotional time for anyone in this situation, and there is lots to do. The most important thing, I think, is to find a place for your loved one where they are going to be well looked after, and where you and other family members can easily visit.

Our role is to show you how much this is all going to cost, and to come up with the best plan as to how to pay for it, given your parents circumstances. We are also here to guide you through the bureaucratic maze that is Aged Care and Centrelink.

It is not straightforward and there is a lot of misinformation out there.

If you feel you could use some help please contact us and we should hopefully be able to make this difficult time a lot easier for you than it otherwise would be.


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