About Lammermoor

Lammermoor commenced operations on 1 July 2019. After decades being attached to big corporate groups such as Deutsche Bank and Godfrey Pembroke, it was time to go out on our own.

Lammermoor was carefully and deliberately set up to be independent. This means that we are paid for our professional time and advice by our clients, and only by our clients. We do not have any of our own financial products, no commissions are accepted, and we charge a flat fee for our advice. This means we have no incentive to recommend any particular sort of investment, and in fact no incentive to recommend an investment at all, if, for example, we think the best advice is to simply pay off debt.

Our speciality is, and always has been, looking after clients in the lead up to retirement, helping in the transition from work and into retirement, and then looking after our clients through the retirement years.

Because we have been doing this for 30 years, many of our original retiree clients now need extra support and care to help with day to day living, which has led us to learn about and specialise in advice around home care, retirement villages, independent living, and residential aged care.

We are doing more and more of this work and find it especially rewarding, in the sense that we can often quickly alleviate a lot of anxiety around this stage of life for our clients, their children, and extended families.

We enjoy our work as Financial Planners, with the best parts of the job being getting to know our clients well over the years, and hopefully being able to provide peace of mind about personal finances and future welfare.

If you feel like this is the sort of service that might be of use to you and your family as you approach retirement, or your loved ones need some help as they approach those more physically and mentally difficult later years, please feel free to contact us on 02 9630 8233, or gsale@lammermoor.com.au

Let’s Work Together